Thursday, 25 August 2011

Hush Hush

Quiet please, grandchildren asleep. Hubby collected grandchildren from daughter No1 on his way home from work this evening. As soon as hubby walked in the door he was stressed, grandchild No2 had cried in the car for the last 15 minutes of the journey for no apparent reason. Brought into me and continued to cry. Daughter No 2 arrived back from a day out with friends to all the crying and declared that she was not happy with all the racket and the kids had better not be staying for two nights because she can't cope with it. Hubby then decided they had better go home tomorrow if this continued because he can't cope with crying kids anymore. My god, (sorry for blaspheming if you are religious) I do find it difficult dealing with tiny children now, I hold my hands up and admit it ,but poor daughter needs a break from them and the night or two I have them is hard, but I can give them back and be baby, toddler free for quite a while. Poor daughter has to put up with it 24/7  because we don't live local. The 3 year old is good at sleeping but the 1 year old is a pain in the butt at times and right on que has just started moaning in her cot because the dummy is not in her mouth. Think I had better get to sleep because I can see a broken nights sleep on the cards!  Enjoy your nights sleep because I don't think I'm going to enjoy mine!

Until tomorrow x


  1. I sympathise - I only have one grandchild at the moment, but while I love her to bits and love it when it is my turn to have her to stay with me it is also lovely to hand her back at the end of her stay as quite frankly she just wears me out (in a lovely way of course!). Linda xxx

  2. How lovely of you to give your poor daughter a break.

    Sft x

  3. Ahhh, I hope she slept for you. I can sympathise as Daniel didn't sleep for about the first six or seven years of his life. I look back now and I'm so grateful for the times my mum took him overnight to give me a break, I'm sure your daughter feels the same.

  4. We have no Grandchildren and only 1 daughter who was grown by the time we were in our 40's. It took every bit of energy I had to raise 1, and I was young. I wonder about women who wait till their 30's and 40's to have kids, I couldn't do it.

  5. She was not too bad last night. Let's see what night I have tonight.

  6. I think when its your own child you can tolerate the crying but when its someone elses ( even a relative) the crying can really get on your nerves. Good luck for tonights sleep xx

  7. I do think you tollerate crying and bad nights naturally when it's your own child. Even when it's your own grandchild, I don't think you have the same tollerance levels as when it's your own child. I remember my mother cursing my kids at times and I could'nt understand why she was getting so upset about their sleeping habits they just seemed quite normal to me.
